You’re on your way to party perfection, but don’t overlook the three most important areas that reveal your true age: neck, deck and hands.

We’ve all seen it. Someone (usually a woman, but men do it too) with glowing, youthful skin matched with an enviable smile, but something’s off. As your eyes travel down, past the jaw, to the neck, the chest and the hands, the façade starts unravelling.

Having the face of a 40-year-old, the neck and chest of a 50-year-old and the hands of a 60-year-old is not a good look (if you’re already 60, then just add a decade to the list above and the same example applies). And if you're a man, there's no excuse for an old man's neck and hands (alright, we'll let you off with the deck). Why would you spend a fortune on magic creams, peels, botox and other anti-ageing treatments only to reveal your true age?

Don’t fret, Cathy is here and we have a few tricks to ensure your outward age looks equally as youthful and vibrant from forehead to fingertips.


Start by taking your skincare all the way to your chest. The skin is thinner on the chest so many skincare brands offer specially formulated creams, but if you don’t want yet another pot, that’s fine, use what you have, you will still benefit. For your hands, moisturise, moisturise, moisturise. Dry, dehydrated skin adds decades—as much to your hands as to your face.

We should start sounding annoyingly repetitive by now, but don’t forget SPF. Not now, not ever! Face, neck, deck and don’t forget your hands! Hyperpigmentation is unsightly anywhere, but there’s something about spots on hands that screams old lady.

if you prevent, then you don’t need to correct.


Technically two different areas, but the cause of ageing and treatments to reverse are so similar, we’ll lovingly combine them under neck & deck.

A neck wattle—the most dreaded and feared of all neck & deck ageing—is caused by gravity and loss of collagen. The same forces keeping your feet on the ground, also pull on your skin. Skincare can improve the appearance of the skin, but you won’t see dramatic results unless you do something a little more dramatic. Anti-wrinkle injections, chemical peels and dermapen all work well to revitalise this delicate area. Even fillers along the jawline can create definition (although subtle is the key to looking natural). If the cause is purely fat related, exercise and diet are an absolute must. In some extremes, liposuction is needed, but we advise trying non-invasive treatments first.     

Neck bands are another common annoyance and age giveaway. When you’re young, you must pull silly faces to make your bands appear, but as you age, they become more and more visible. Anti-wrinkle injections directly into the neck bands smooth the neck, remove lines and have an elongating effect. Experienced hands are critical as this is a delicate area.


We spend so much time and money decorating our hands with colourful manicures, rings and bracelets, yet we overlook the skin. Sounds illogical, doesn’t it? We think so. Hands visibly age faster than your face—due to their hardworking nature, neglect and basic physiology—but that doesn’t mean the ageing process can’t be stopped and even reversed. We’ll remind you to moisturise and protect, but then we’ll show you how Skin by Cathy erases years.

Fillers can be used in some cases to plump the skin, restoring a more youthful appearance. Resylane offers skin boosters designed specifically for hands, which have shown impressive results for our clients. While some clinics offer fat transfers, we think that’s more trend than correction (and a bit extreme). Chemical peels and/or dermapen help reduce age spots and sun damage—two major tell-tale signs of someone’s true age. The result of our treatments plus ongoing prevention in the form of SPF and moisturisers? Your face and hands will no longer look like they’re living in different decades.

During your consultation, Cathy will advise you about the best treatments for you neck, deck and hands to meet your goals and lifestyle—regardless of an impeding party, the new year or just an general wish to look and feel younger. 

from head to toe, you should tell the same story. with skin by cathy tricks, you will. now you are truly and fully party ready. go ahead and flaunt.


Sometime after the post-August-holiday doldrums jolted us into mid-September with leaves changing, then again with clocks changing, the first invitation arrived. Another jolt. Party season is upon us. Don’t panic. Put down the doughnut, book your trainer, speed dial Cathy, pick up some miracles in a pot (we’ll share a few) and start preparing for your holiday party best and youngest welcome-to-2022 face.



You are decisive, strong and deservedly demanding the best with your precious money and time. You want to look younger (and feel even younger) while still looking like yourself. But it’s not simply vanity or anti-ageing that’s your motivation, it’s also confidence. Wrinkles signify stress, sweaty palms equal nervousness and under eye circles are evidence of reckless nights. And that’s before the years of smoking, sun exposure or excessive boozing leave reminders in the form of hyper-pigmentation, rosacea or psoriasis. Yikes. It might sound like a tall order to correct the sins of the past, but that’s because you don’t know Skin by Cathy’s arsenal of tricks and tools designed especially for men.


Prevention is easier than correction. Start by using SPF 30 every day — even when it’s cloudy. (Read SKIN CANCER MYTHS DEBUNKED to learn more). We love Heliocare, but walk into any Boots and buy whichever brand you like. Another benefit from SPF is immediate anti-ageing in the form of deep hydration.

Now that you are layered up with sunscreen, invest in a good serum. Don’t raid your partner’s stash of skincare, hoping a little dab here and there will make a difference. It won’t (at least not noticeably). Instead, get in the habit of washing your face before bed and applying a serum and/or nightcream (we know the idea of an extensive routine is a turn-off, so we're helping you focus on the most important steps). We love Obagi because it’s packed with anti-ageing, skin-boosting and complexion-enhancing power — that’s why you can only buy it from a licensed doctor or nurse. (LEARN WHY WE LOVE OBAGI)


No matter your concern — from acne to sun damage, from wrinkles to jowls, and from hair loss to hyperhidrosis — Skin by Cathy has a solution. Common problems for men along with appropriate solutions include:

  • WRINKLES: botulinum toxin (botox), dermal fillers, medical grade Obagi skincare

  • ANTI-AGEING: Sculptra volume restoration, mesotherapy, Dermapen facial tightening, chemical peels, hyper-pigmentation, sun damage

  • SCULPTING: sagging jowls, lip lines, nose, cheeks, brows, neck (While not as widely discussed, men are quickly catching up to women when it comes to sculpting, balancing and lifting facial features)

  • CORRECTING: hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating under arms and palms), acne scar removal, migraines, hairloss

Much weight rests on your shoulders no matter your age or aspirations. Why not add another layer of protection and boost your confidence before going into battle.

Women love us for our defects. If we have enough of them, they will forgive us everything, even our gigantic intellects. Oscar Wilde

Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. Mark Twain

WORDS OF CAUTION: With the ubiquity of cosmetic procedures, also comes risks in the form of unqualified and inexperienced practitioners. No two faces are the same and the structure of a man’s face is completely different than a woman’s. Those differences demand an artistic touch for natural-looking results. Sounds obvious, I know, but it’s the subtle differences that matter most. That’s why we insist on a thorough consultation before any treatment.